Our CEO's vision for the future

06 September · 1 minute

I’m thrilled to announce that Uniform Teeth is merging with Impress orthodontics.

Impress is the leader in modern, tech-enabled orthodontics in Europe. And we’re joining forces to deliver the most advanced, delightful orthodontic care imaginable. Combined, we form a worldwide network of 130+ locations with the leading technology platform to enable the highest quality of care, period. Together we are transforming orthodontics worldwide.

The future of orthodontics

Imagine a world where you think you may need orthodontic care for yourself or your child or your teenager. You go to the website and book a quick visit with a licensed clinician.

You show up at a modern, clean, bright space where you are seen on time for a visit to take x-rays, get an intraoral scan, and consult with an expert clinician.

Your treatment is designed and planned in 3D by an orthodontist, and when ready, you get an alert on your app that it's ready for your review. When you’re ready to begin treatment, payments and insurance is processed online or on the mobile app with your credit card, 3rd Party Financing, or another payment form that is convenient for you.

Shortly after, your aligners show up at your doorstep (aligners these days can treat 95% of orthodontic cases when they are managed by an expert orthodontist). You log on to your app or laptop for a quick video visit to get you setup. Every week you check in on your mobile app where the AI quickly gives you feedback on how you are doing. If there is a problem, an actual clinician intervenes to help out.

You may have to visit in person once or twice over the course of your treatment for a few quick, painless, procedures to make sure you get the results you want (placing attachments, interproximal reduction, performing enameloplasty). And in months, not years, you are done with treatment. Your retainer arrives to you in the mail to maintain the smile goals you set out to achieve at the beginning of your treatment.

Simple. Seamless. Effective. As it should be.

This is what Impress and Uniform are creating together. And, the experience will only get better as our technology continues to advance.

Experience the difference of Modern Orthodontics at your complimentary consultation. Schedule yours today here. Need further assistance? Give us a call at 888.490.1421.

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